Citrus are typically evergreen shrubs or trees, frequently spiny, with simple, leathery, aromatic leaves, usually with winged stalks, and often fragrant white or pink-tinged flowers, followed by large ...
“Our focus is always on our consumers and ensuring that we continue to invest and innovate in growing segments to meet their ...
全球最大单一文明博物馆——大埃及博物馆,在历经造价超额、施工太难及疫情影响无限延迟工期之后,终终终于在10月16日大规模开放试营业! 作为对开罗市中心老博物馆的补充,这座传说中的新馆耗资70亿、历时20年建成,距离吉萨金字塔群直线只有2公里,必将刷新埃及旅游打卡版图。 与老馆闷热、无空调、文物随地摆放相比,新馆就完全是现代派世界级博物馆的风范了!金字塔设计元素贯穿细节,入口立面就是标志性的三角形。