The trends on Gift Nifty also indicate a weak start for the Indian benchmark index. The Gift Nifty was trading around 23,845 level, a discount of nearly 52 points from the Nifty futures’ previous ...
Nicole Kidman has revealed that there were points during filming her new movie Babygirl that she didn’t ‘want to orgasm anymore.’ The steamy new film starring Kidman, 57 – as Romy, an ambitious tech ...
They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what about popcorn? 12 News spoke to the owner of Crunch Time Gourmet Popcorn and Apples, Lindsey Stark, to find out the answer.
The California Circuit Rodeo Finals will be Sunday, Dec. 29, Monday, Dec. 30, & Tuesday, New Year’s Eve, in Pauline Davis Pavilion, with doors open at 6 p.m. and the rodeo starting at ...