AN INVESTMENT of over half a million pounds has been announced to support disabled and elderly residents in BCP.
Every morning across America, millions of senior citizens grab their car keys and head out to doctors’ appointments, grocery ...
The holidays can be difficult for people, especially those who may have lost loved ones in their lifetime. The California ...
United Health Foundation's Senior Report, which analyzes the health and well-being of America's elderly, has named Utah the ...
Depression is not a normal part of aging. Growing older certainly involves a variety of life stressors that can lead to ...
There have been renewed calls for a social tariff on energy bills for elderly people, as the county is set to freeze during a ...
Studies show that many older adults who engage in Pilates exercises have increased energy, fewer falls and injuries, and ...
By 2030, the number of LGBTQ+ seniors is expected to double. Many won’t have partners and most won’t have children or grandchildren to help care for them, AARP research indicates.
According to the National Institute of Aging, elderly people have a greater chance of being affected by colder temperatures, especially those with diabetes or thyroid problems.
The first steps to creating a National Care Service are announced - but critics say the pace of the plan "feels far too long" ...
Wang Xiaoxi (second from right), 57, meets her classmates for the first time at orientation at the National and Kapodistrian ...