In a strict boarding school nestled in the Himalayas, 16-year-old Mira discovers desire and romance. But Mira's mother, who never got to come of age herself, disrupts her rebellious sexual awakening.
而 Reno13 的背面,独特的蝶影流光纹理向外扩散,颇为张扬,这是通过一种激光直写的工艺,在一层仅 12 微米的纹理层上,刻下蝶翅的流动光影。 至于机身背面材质,则采用了抗反射 AG ...
搜狐韩娱讯 威神V的新迷你专辑先公开曲《HIGH FIVE》将于今天(19日)揭开面纱。 威神V迷你6辑《FREQUENCY》的先行曲《HIGH ...
I’d like to talk about a friend from my childhood, someone I lost touch with but later reconnected. Her name is Lily, and we ...
There's a lot to catch up on when Jamie's old classmates turn up for a school reunion. Jamie cooks up a wealth of tasty food in preparation, including fried zucchini flowers and fig canapès.