This important study provides convincing evidence that developing neurons in the neocortex regulate glial cell development. The data demonstrates that the transcription factor FOXG1 negatively ...
Researchers have developed the most detailed 3D computational models of key brain regions, including the hippocampus and ...
Crows continue to amaze researchers with their remarkable intelligence. These highly adaptable birds have demonstrated ...
The human brain, a marvel of biological complexity, continues to reveal its mysteries even in death. Recent groundbreaking ...
A study looking at the brain size of different breeds relative to their skulls reveals that big brains doesn't mean smarter ...
Dolphins have a reputation for being smart animals. Captivity at the hands of humans depresses their plight. Here's insight ...
If they were, some animals with large brains such as orcas and elephants would likely be smarter than humans. They also knew that across human evolution, the neocortex—the largest part of the ...
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neuronal Circuits and Behavior, University College London, London, United Kingdom ...
One of the more enduring mysteries about Neanderthals is whether they had a spoken language, a trait that’s impossible to ...
I cannot say that I came up with this, but like a lot of safety specialists, for years, I was training the wrong side of ...
Navaornis is likened to a sort of Rosetta Stone for decyphering the evolution of bird brains.