Chief Justice of India Sanjiv Khanna on Friday lauded Supreme Court judge Justice CT Ravikumar on his last working day, describing him as a “humane and noble soul” whose journey from a humble rural ...
The big day is here! The unveiling of the butter sculpture at the 109th Pennsylvania Farm Show is about to happen. Watch a livestream of the unveiling in the video player above.
Associated Press Burt, the huge crocodile that rose to fame with a cameo in the movie “Crocodile Dundee” and continued to impress visitors with his fiery temper and commanding presence, has died. Burt ...
One of the biggest mysteries in science—dark energy—doesn't actually exist, according to researchers looking to solve the riddle of how the universe is expanding.
We investigate how ancient humans ran and hear from climate scientists who are rising to the challenges of an impending Trump presidency. We hear that a 2020 study promoting hydroxychloroquine for ...
A description of the terminology and methodology used in this supplement, and a guide to the functionality that is available free online at The Nature Index is a database of ...
Apple is adding six new background options for Safari in iOS 18.2 and macOS Sequoia 15.2. Head below to download each one for use anywhere outside of Safari as well as the recently introduced M4 ...