Wearing short dresses in public is considered inappropriate for women in socially conservative Pakistan. However, a video ...
Whether a simple headscarf or a head-to-toe cover such as the chaddor or burka, Muslim women’s covered dress has meaning for many far beyond its simple use as clothing. Those who advocate “Islamic ...
We must recognise how, on one hand, patriarchy influences dress codes, and on the other, how politicians seek to imprint their own ideals on Muslim women’s clothing choices. Whether it’s the ...
and that they express frustration that the obsession among Westerners with Muslim women's clothing can come at the expense of these concerns. I also pointed out that many Muslim feminists defend their ...
Indeed, Islamic movements are known for emphasizing a return to "traditional" gender norms. Muslim women's clothing in particular has received much scrutiny, especially the veil, which has become a ...
RECENTLY, a discussion went viral on TikTok concerning the criticism of Muslim women's clothing made of satin fabric, deemed by some to be against Islamic law. As the launch season for Raya ...
By contrast, in Iran the law requires women to wear modest "Islamic" clothing. In practice, this means women must wear a chador, a full-body cloak, or a headscarf and a manteau (overcoat ...