Despite his comical appearance, Etemon manages to be one of the most intimidating villains. Etemon's ability to handle stronger foes subverts audience expectations, making him a standout character.
but it’s funny enough on a lazy Netflix weekend, and a reminder that Lawrence has killer comic timing. One of the final films of the McKay/Ferrell partnership is also maybe the most underrated.
The 39-year-old holds the record for most international appearances in the history of men's football after playing his 200th game for Portugal in June 2023. Among male footballers, he also has ...
Second, he doesn't understand that the show being funny that weekend was in spite of him – not because of him. Why are we saying that? Because… third, Musk might be one of the most righteously ...
The youngest heavyweight boxing champion of all time, Tyson is widely considered as one of the most dangerous fighters on the planet. And thanks to the internet, he’s also become a bit of a meme.