Brothers Marty and Rick Lagina embark on a daring search for the lost treasure. Rick and Marty Lagina, two brothers from Michigan, attempt to solve the mystery of Oak Island, a tree-covered island ...
The team, led by Rick and Marty Lagina, shifts focus to a new target area called the Golden Egg. This strategic move departs from previous exploration In an exciting new video, Rick Lagina ...
Marty Lagina '77 is the CEO of Heritage Sustainable Energy, a winemaker, an attorney, and executive producer of the long-running reality TV show “The Curse of Oak Island,” now in its 10th season on ...
In the latest episode of The Curse of Oak Island, A Bead on the Target, the team led by brothers Rick and Marty Lagina made significant strides in their quest to uncover the island’s long ...
The Curse of Oak Island” season 12 episode 6 will air tonight, Tuesday, Dec. 17 at 9 p.m. on the History Channel. Here's how to watch free.
...Mysteries. Treasured Adventures: Joined by companion Matty, brothers Rick and Marty Lagina look back on their richest adventures stretching back over the previous ...
...Mysteries. Treasured Adventures: Joined by companion Matty, brothers Rick and Marty Lagina look back on their richest adventures stretching back over the previous ...
Curse of Oak Island fans mentioned their skepticism about treasure even before Season 12 on the History Channel. But, they ...