The vast and expansive Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise has recruited countless actors into its ranks. But the MCU isn't ...
Four men and one woman (26 to 43) had to answer for extortionate kidnapping at Linz Provincial Court. All of them claimed to ...
The show is the politics. There’s no other thing, and he’s going to dominate the news like he always does,” Maher said of the ...
Picking 10 excellent performances has been difficult but the attempt is to acknowledge the work of actors, who are often ...
Comedian Bill Maher said in a podcast that he is tempted to quit his show, citing the prospect of President-elect Trump’s ...
Every month, Netflix removes a large number of movies and TV shows from its library. While the streaming service regularly ...
I HAD a missed call from Donald Trump last week, and assumed he was seeking to recruit me as his new White House ...
An 8-year-old 49ers fan, who is a cancer survivor, was shoved by a Buffalo Bills fan at Sunday’s game, causing her to fall ...
More than 80 contemporary works of art confiscated from the Italian mafia, including by Salvador Dali and Andy Warhol, went ...
Beth Herlihy played a stripper in British soap Hollyoaks who helped a gangster drug an enemy to frame him for a murder.