Govt-funded study analysed front and back of labels of 432 popular packaged food products including breakfast cereals, idli ...
The rising incidence of hypertension among the young stresses the need for early detection and intervention strategies.
Managing high blood pressure is essential for long-term health, as it reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. What you ...
A 2020 study found that the DASH diet helped a group of people 65 and older struggling with obesity reduce body fat while a ...
Like one in five of the population, Emma Print has a kind of cholesterol doctors know little about and which isn’t routinely ...
The British Heart Foundation (BHF) also recommends eating a daily serving of lentils - or beans, chickpeas, or peas - in ...
Health organizations recommend keeping your daily dietary cholesterol intake to a minimum by limiting foods high in saturated ...
According to the US Department of Agriculture, processed foods are raw agricultural commodities altered from their original ...
Cholesterol is a fatty substance in blood, and while it is essential for a number of bodily functions, it can be dangerous ...
Add these 10 medicinal flowers to your regular diet routine to flush out bad LDL cholesterol naturally and prevent heart ...
The NHS recommends increasing intake of fruits and vegetables for people with elevated levels, but research suggests one ...