The Swedish crime thriller series ‘The Helicopter Heist’ delves into the story behind the 2009 Västberga helicopter robbery at a G4S cash depot in Stockholm, Sweden. The audacious crime is brought to ...
In ‘The Helicopter Heist,’ a spotlight is shone on the Västberga helicopter robbery of September 23, 2009, which sent the ...
THE Helicopter Heist is a Swedish Netflix series which is based on a shocking real-life robbery.  In 2009, a gang of thieves ...
According to Kampala Metropolitan Deputy Police Spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigyire, preliminary investigations reveal that the ...
MICHEL is the mastermind behind the titular crime in the nailbiting Netflix drama The Helicopter Heist. He is based on ...
The latest Netflix original mini-series showcases a multi-million dollar heist that really took place in Stockholm, Sweden, ...
AXEL is the fictional pilot in Netflix’s The Helicopter Heist, which is based on a real-life crime that rocked Sweden.  He is ...
The masterminds of the heist include a senior G4S officer attached to the warehouse at Witu Road along Mombasa Road. They linked up with Administration Police officers and later roped in a regular ...
Yes, The Helicopter Heist is a real story, with a few twists. This eight-episode show dramatizes the history of that infamous ...
A grain of truth is a powerful thing, and there’s a big one behind Netflix’s Swedish limited series The Helicopter Heist. The ...
Six G4S and Standard Chartered Bank employees (left ... [George Njunge / Standard] The dramatic heist where a cash transit company lost Sh72 million on Thursday was executed by police officers ...