A statue discovered at Cleopatra’s tomb allegedly reveals the Egyptian queen’s true face. An Egyptian-Dominican ...
Since its discovery more than a century ago, the iconic burial mask of King Tut has remained perhaps the defining image of ...
The intact burial—unearthed on this day in 1922—contained a “wonderful” cache of objects linked to the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Eli Wizevich History Correspondent Tutankhamun's tomb wasn ...
Inside Tutankhamun’s tomb in Egypt. However ... makes a slightly different argument. Akhenaten's successor, Pharaoh Neferneferuaten (who was most likely his wife, Nefertiti), never received ...
It seems that Rabbi Yitzchak may have approached the disagreement with Rabbi Abba as if it were an abstract halachic debate rather than a personal dispute.
Here are fascinating treasures from Tutankhamun's tomb and what they reveal about the iconic Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh years after the discovery of his remains.
His tomb isn’t right ... Nefertiti – co-ruler of Egypt under the reign of the monotheistic heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten. A 3000-year-old stone bust of Tutankhamun. Picture: HO/various sources ...
He is most famous because his tomb was discovered almost intact and full of treasures in 1922. Tutankhamun became pharaoh after the death of his father Akhenaten. Some people liked how Akhenaten ...