Mythology anime featuring myths and legends from around the world can transport viewers to fantastical realms and introduce them to an array of fascinating characters. These mythology anime often ...
An expert on Japanese mythology looks at how serpents have been revered—and feared— through the ages in Japan. In Japan and throughout the world, snakes are prominent characters in mythology ...
Japan is staring down a demographic cliff. The population has shrunk for 15 straight years, with births hitting a record low of 730,000 last year and deaths a record high of 1.58 million.
Throughout the Russo-Ukrainian war, each side has cast its enemy as heirs to the Nazis of World War II. In Ukraine, this has fueled comfortable myths about the nationalists of the 1940s, whose role in ...
Dandadan is a brilliant manga centered on the war between yokai/spirits and space aliens, with humanity trapped right in the middle of their conflict. As creative as series’ author Yukinobu ...
Credit: Public domain A British university has issued a trigger warning to undergraduate students studying Greek mythology, advising them to reach out to support services should they find the material ...
According to a long-standing weather folklore, a winter thunderstorm is signs that snow will follow within the next 10 days. While the saying has been passed down through the years, its scientific ...
The Miyawaki Forest Technique, invented by Japanese botanist and plant ecology expert Professor Akira Miyawaki in the 1970s, is the inspiration for micro-forests worldwide. These diverse ...
Urban legends anime has a long history of adapting Japanese urban myths and folktales into shows that fuse horror, mystery, and the supernatural. Many anime series draw from ancient paranormal ...