The political history of South Asia is amongst the most fascinating and complex in the world, animated by robust, self-affirming struggles for independence, partition and the creation of new nations ...
Koreans engaged in persistent struggles to regain their independence. They organized numerous clandestine organizations to fight the Japanese within the country such as Joseon National Sovereignty ...
Known as a close ally of Mahatma Gandhi, Khan advocated for non-violent civil disobedience and unity between Muslims and Hindus. His commitment earned him the title “Frontier Gandhi” due to his work ...
This month we’re going to learn about Korea’s successful battle for independence from Japan, which it finally achieved on August 15, 1945. There’s no better place to learn about this than the ...
The Korean government has promoted a special registry aimed at recognizing and rewarding those who actively participated in the independence movement, awarding them medals and national distinctions ..