Some property owners have also asked to open a limited wolf hunt in NE Washington. However, WDFW officials say options are severely limited until wolves are down-listed in the state -- and the ...
Servheen’s metapopulation approach hinges on a key principle: connectivity between the still isolated populations. That would ...
A top bear biologist is arguing against delisting grizzlies from federal protection and hunting them. Instead, he says there should be more — ...
Environmental groups are asking the U.S. government to do more to protect Rocky Mountain grizzly bears before the next Trump ...
Instead of managing each of the populations separately, as recommended under the USFWS’s 1993 Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan, the ...
Environmental groups are asking the U.S. government to do more to protect grizzly bears in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho ...
Governor Jared Polis faces backlash for blaming ranchers for the cost of Colorado's wolf reintroduction program.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s former longtime grizzly bear recovery manager has written a new report that recommends ...
Instead of managing each of the populations separately, the groups are arguing for a strategy that combines the ecosystems ...
The state is home to nine packs and about 70 wolves, marking a triumph for nature but a challenge for ranchers ...
I wrote a piece for California Wild about the prospects for wolf restoration in the state. At that time, there had not been ...