“American Star” is an introspective British thriller with Ian McShane in the ... we don’t know about,” McShane theorizes.
Ian McShane joined the John Wick franchise as Winston Scott after being offered a Thanksgiving trip to New York City.
Ian McShane says he misses his late 'John Wick' costar Lance Reddick 'dreadfully.' The franchise's "Charon" actor died last ...
“American Star” is an introspective British thriller with Ian McShane in the ... we don’t know about,” McShane theorizes. Watch our exclusive video interview above. The actor discusses ...
"We have 'Ballerina' coming out in which he'll [be seen] for the last time," McShane says ... Can I tie it in?'...Lance and Ian really put a lot of time and thought into it.
During a recent interview with The Big Thing, Deadwood vet Ian McShane opened up about his brief role in Netflix’s hit live-action series adaptation of One Piece. In first episode of the live ...