With the help of architect Kei Makito from Roovice, owners David and Koichi transformed their western Tokyo apartment into a vibrant, open space featuring a unique blend of textures and materials, ...
“You can never go wrong with a one-of-a-kind piece that brings personality and depth to a space,” notes designer Linda Hayslett. “Whether it’s a bold painting, a quirky sketch, or something that just ...
Chicago-based Studio Becker Xu has separated a vernacular ... formed half-wall that curves from the entrance into the central space. "The curved concrete arcs and red columns offer a loose ...
Big fancy space telescopes are all well and good, but there’s something about being able to see things with your own eyes–either directly, or through the sort of telescope that doesn’t ...
Studio spaces come in all shapes and sizes, from the home studios in the corner of an artist’s one-bedroom apartment to the palatial. Some choose to kit them out like a place of work, some as an ...