Discover how to write a high-quality book with AI! Learn tools, tips, and techniques to enhance creativity and streamline ...
A new year means a new chance to achieve great things, such as writing a book! Award-Winning Author Jackie Haley shares tips on how to accomplish this. Follow Jackie at ...
“My number one writing tip is to read a lot,” says Nina, whose first book Love, Nina: Despatches from Family Life was a memoir about her time as a nanny. Obviously a modicum of ...
This is a short history of the character before they enter the novel, and it will help you ... a backstory is entirely your own, then you're writing autobiography and perhaps you'd better confess ...
You'll develop a gut feeling about how much dialogue to write, if you read plenty of other novels. It's worth remembering too, that dialogue can speed up the pace of a novel.
1. As you are reading the book you are going to review, always have a notebook at hand and make notes about your thoughts. 2. Your book review must have a definite shape. It can't just be a ...