Interestingly, some argue the exact opposite: her original name was Batya, but she changed it to Bitya as an act of humility.
How we elect our presidents has never been more broken — and that’s saying something for an Electoral College system subject to more proposed constitutional amendments than any other topic.
The Framers of the U.S. Constitution designed a unique system to choose our president in 1787: the Electoral College. More than two centuries later, it remains an invaluable institution that ...
The Hard Truths director on “growing” his films in collaboration with his actors, and why he’s not going to explain the ending to you.
All across the world the prayers of believers are working miracles in helping people to overcome impossible situations and ...
At a time when many Americans are calling for the removal of Confederate monuments and opposing the Lost Cause mythology, ...
You may remember that, after I daydreamed hundreds or maybe thousands of responses to the first-ever “I Wonder” column, my ...
Purcell also points to Hieronymus: Omnium Operum, an academic commentary on the Bible, published in Basle, Switzerland, in ...
I should not be surprised to find that people can be stubbornly, doggedly dug in to illogical conclusions, even to the degree of being able to ...