You should read the following information carefully as it will help you determine whether you meet our entry requirements. You should also read the 'Entry Requirements' and 'Assessing your application ...
Backyard Buddies, an environmental education initiative by the Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife (FNPW) has provided ...
After a busy season, many gardeners welcome the restful, dormant days of winter. Still, there are some to-dos to ensure your ...
Don't let the cold weather deceive you, there's still much to do in the garden in January and the best time to start is now ...
SPRAY: When the weather turns mild and dry get out and dormant spray roses and fruit trees. Neem oil is good for overwintering insects and mites. Liquid copper sprays are good for disease prevention.
It’s time to un-deck those “live” balsams, Fraser firs and pines. But instead of sending real Christmas trees off to a ...
Ivy is a fast-growing, vigorous plant that can quickly take over the garden. Here's how to kill it safely for just 30p.
It's often sold ground up into a powder, but you can buy cinnamon sticks, too. Either way, it's made of the dried bark of ...
This insidious little creature’s larva love to inhabit overly wet soils. Their larval feeding habits can damage plant roots, ...
Caring for a vegetable garden in winter in India may seem challenging, but with the right tips, you can enjoy a healthy ...
A simple way to keep hydrangeas healthy and get bigger flowers after winter is to add one natural item to the soil now.
Protect garden plants from cold temperatures, drying winds, and occasional freezes by providing insulation, protecting roots, ...