At a time when the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has itself come under a cloud, an ex-parte order, issued on 2nd January against Ketan Parekh (KP) and 21 associates, makes for ...
Actor Paresh Ganatra, who started his acting career with Gujarati theatre in 1984, recently recalled losing a large sum of money during the Harshad Mehta scam in 1992. He shared that the close ...
"Ahmedabad and Mumbai account for 80% of equity delivery trades. Let that sink in. Essentially, the real money is with Gujjus," Nithin Kamath said in a post on social media platform X, formerly known ...
The AAP's tit-for-tat attack comes days after the BJP released a poster calling Arvind Kejriwal a 'chunavi (electoral) Hindu' for promising Rs 18,000 monthly compensation to priests.