Current local time in London (Europe/London timezone). Get information about the Europe/London time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time ...
From the star turns of Julia Roberts, Kate Moss and Nicole Kidman in the 1990s, right up to Lady Gaga's powder blue Valentino moment in 2019 and Margot Robbie's candy pink Chanel gown in 2023 — here ...
The Blondie star told The Sunday Times she might get on board with Raya - which has seen a host of famous stars making celebrity love matches since it launched in 2015.
The Duchess of Sussex loves her Aquazzura shoes. Meghan has a jaw-dropping collection of 31 different styles, including flats, mid-heels and towering stilettos totalling £20,035.