Berserk is a dark fantasy anime that follows Guts, a lone warrior with a massive sword, and Griffith, the charismatic leader of a mercenary band known as the Band of the Falcon. Guts is a skilled ...
The following contains spoilers for Dune, Star Wars, Attack on Titan, Berserk, Code Geass ... the common enemy of everyone else. A fallen angel that becomes a devil that destroys the world.
Hikers carefully find an opening along a fence at Griffith Park on Dec. 6. Some of them are angry about the barriers, saying they're an eyesore. (Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times) Pete Teti ...
• Griffith Park is an urban wilderness sanctuary, and hikers love its popular, twisty trails. • But two new fences that block short-cuts have led to heated meetings and a petition demanding ...