RISON - For the most part, Rison High School students ranked among the top districts in the Southeast Arkansas Education Cooperative based on results from the first ATLAS (Arkansas Teaching, Learni ...
How did U.S. students fare academically last year? There are three different sources of information to answer that question.
The Glen Cove City School District's test scores have shown “significant growth” in recent years,  Superintendent Maria Rianna said.
HISD's curriculum design department utilizes student engagement strategies and 'scaffolding' to get students on grade level.
While data released by the Maryland State Department of Education this week shows slight improvement of English language proficiency scores across County Public Schools, some groups of students saw a ...
The math results of an international test of academic skills show that U.S. fourth and eighth grade students are losing ...
The state board has been exploring how it identifies and classifies students who are English learners. This week, they ...
As Maryland rolls out a literacy plan that could, among other things, hold back third graders who aren’t reading on grade ...
This announcement comes not a moment too soon. According to results from the latest Programme for International Student ...
Only about half of students were at grade level in English Language Arts across the state and even less were at grade level in math, the state numbers show.
Newark students made progress on reading and math state tests but lagged behind statewide and pre-pandemic averages. Some ...
Test scores improve for Stamford's kindergarten class as preschool experience grows, but other tests enforce the trend that ...