Rs 5.5 billion already spent The government has procured 350 units of biometric hardware, including high-resolution cameras and fingerprint scanners, for its upcoming Sri Lanka Unique Digital Identity ...
Dianna Gunn built her first WordPress website in 2008. Since then, she's poured thousands of hours into understanding how websites and online businesses work. She's shared what she's learned on ...
We list the best free presentation software, to make it simple and easy to create professional presentations without a subscription to Microsoft PowerPoint. While PowerPoint is the market leader ...
Whichever form of biometric lock you're using, a device first creates a template of your biometric, like your fingerprint, then saves it onto the device and matches your scan to the template when ...
Fingerprint sensors, for example, have progressed to being embedded beneath the display; we've listed some of the best smartphones with in-display fingerprint sensors that unlock quickly.
It can also scan text from other image files. The software is free to use, even for commercial purposes. SimpleOCR is freeware that allows you to scan one document at a time and convert it to ...
With one of the best 3D scanners, you can turn real-world objects in digital models. Be they vegetable, animal or mineral, you simply pass your 3D scanner over the object, and the software converts it ...