Medical experts share their answers to all your questions on bladder problems, from urinary tract infections to odd urine ...
As a result, the bladder muscles are relaxed when filling up with urine, which allows the bladder to contain its urine instead of sending the brain signals of urinary urgency. When this happens, ...
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also called prostate gland enlargement, is a common condition that older men can suffer ...
Your urinary tract includes your kidneys, bladder, and ureters (tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder). An infection in your urinary tract is the most likely cause of leukocytes ...
Alcohol is also often consumed more around the winter holidays and causes you to lose more fluids. “A diuretic [makes] your kidneys dump extra urine into the bladder, filling your bladder quicker than ...
Incomplete emptying of the bladder causes urine to build up and "spill out ... Try this: Choose one aspect of your breathing—air filling your lungs, for instance—and focus on that sensation ...
Urinary retention—the complete inability to urinate—can occur after surgery and may be chronic or acute. Symptoms include discomfort in the bladder area, lower abdominal pain, trouble starting to pee, ...
even filling the inner hollow structures of the kidney. Some stones stay in the kidney, and do not cause any problems. Sometimes, the kidney stone can travel down the ureter, the tube between the ...
Postvoid residual urine volume. Using an ultrasound ... Your doctor inserts a catheter into your urethra and bladder. They'll fill it with dimethyl sulfoxide to numb it and relieve your IC ...