The Darkest Night is a holiday-themed adventure where players battle an ancient evil to save Krinklefest. For four 1st-level characters. Santa Claus & Buddy the Elf Stats Why not brew up some eggnog, ...
For more tactically minded fans of the series, Sonic Tag-Team Heroes is a more traditional tabletop game with crunchy, Dungeons & Dragons-inspired grid-based combat to play through heroic boss ...
Who says the apocalypse can't be a good time? The Fallout series makes the wasteland fun in wacky, offbeat ways. Of course, nothing is certain, and Fallout 5 could be set in a completely different ...
Polygon has confirmed the gift is available to PC users. To check for your copy of the PDF on PC, navigate to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\music\Cyberpunk 2077 Bonus Content.” ...
Fallout 76 was not the first attempt to splice the retro post-apocalypse with an MMO. Years before, Fallout's original owner, Interplay, had taken a crack at it. This was actually after Bethesda ...
In this brave new era of game-to-TV adaptations, I was thrilled to learn that Amazon's Fallout TV show was pretty great. The first season tossed in all sorts of touchstones from the games ...