However, sending an SMS from devices like Arduino, ESP32, or other embedded systems typically requires a GSM module with a working SIM card. While this method is valid, it has its drawbacks: 1.
AAEON has released its first Arm-based SMARC 2.1 compliant CPU module, the uCOM-IMX8P built on the NXP i.MX 8M Plus SoC and offered with up to 4GB RAM, up to 128GB eMMC flash. and support for a range ...
It uses the GC9D01 driver and communicates via an SPI interface. The module operates at a 3.3V or 5V and is designed so that both ESP32 and Arduino boards can drive it. These features make this device ...
Zigbee: Improve the sleep sketch with regard to energy requirements Area: Libraries Issue is related to Library support. Area: Zigbee Issues and Feature Request about Zigbee ...
ESPHome-econet is a great first ESPHome project due to the easy hardware setup. All that's needed to run ESPHome-econet is an ESP32 or ESP8266 microcontroller and an RS485 Interface, plus a phone cord ...