An Arduino project to log GPS data to a MicroSD using the tiny XIAO ESP32-C3. The components are small and light enough to fit around a cat collar! Now we know where the cat runs around at night :-) ...
GPS tracker for your vehicle showing position in the Maidenhead Locator System with distance to nearby grids. This is designed for ham radio rovers. An Arduino project to log GPS data to a MicroSD ...
The Sensy32 Board is a compact sensor platform powered by Espressif’s flagship ESP32-S3 WiFi and Bluetooth microcontroller. The development board brings different monitoring devices together on the ...
Nabu Casa has just launched the Home Assistant Voice Preview Edition, a little ESP32 device with an XMOS XU316 audio processor, a dual-microphone array, an internal speaker, and a 3.5mm audio jack, ...'s strategic partnership with Microsoft significantly boosts its market reach, providing access to Microsoft's vast sales channels and high-profile clientele. The company's accelerating ...
This is a big year for Mini. The brand’s bread-and-butter product enters its next iteration, while its SUV receives a complete redesign. As part of that model reset, Mini introduces a new ...
要说使用 12 mini 的这三年,我养成最好的习惯是什么,那就是保持手机随时充电,随时满电。 12 mini 小体积机身里 2227 mAh 的电池肯定是最大的掣肘,iPhone 保守的充电速度更是让续航情况雪上加霜(同时在电池健康度保护方面也没感受到多少提升)。 这次出差 ... helps its customers adopt artificial intelligence (AI) software. The company brought in record revenue during its latest quarter, and growth is accelerating. The stock has doubled from its ...
It’s hard to get across just how small, and how beautifully made the Mac mini actually is. If your desk has room for a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse, then it’s got space for the Mac mini, because it ...
Unlike most smaller mini PCs, the MS-A1 also has an AMD A5 socket that allows you to bring your own processor or upgrade to a more powerful CPU in the future. But if that feels like too much ...
DATA脚接一个IO即可按照芯片输出数据格式进行取数操作,接下来参考万能的网络 参考一下大师兄的代码 适配咱的ESP32-C3。 开发环境:VSCode+IDF+OLED+SSD1306+DHT11 本帖最后由 paulhyde 于 2014-9-15 02:59 编辑 我们的作品在家测试一切正常,用现场的恒压源测试,高于7V都没 ...
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