Directed by Usman Riaz at Mano Animation Studios, the country's submission to this year's Academy Awards mourns all that is lost in war. It’s a herculean task to channel Hayao Miyazaki, the ...
Miyazaki: “The Japanese did a lot of terrible things back then [during World War II]. They killed many civilians. The Japanese people must not forget this. It will always remain.” In his ...
At the end of Hayao Miyazaki’s visually stunning “Howl’s Moving Castle,” the titular Howl bemoans a sudden ache in his chest. The protagonist, Sophie, succinct yet joyful, replies, “A heart’s a heavy ...
Hidetaka Miyazaki apologized for the two-year wait for Elden Ring’s DLC while accepting the Golden Joystick Award for Best Game Expansion. He also revealed FromSoftware is working on multiple ...
The Ramon Magsaysay Awards presentation ceremony took place in Manila, the Philippines on November 16. Asia’s premier prize and highest honor was awarded to Japanese animation director Miyazaki Hayao, ...