Animation, takes place between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight and is comprised of “six interlocking films”: Have I Got a Story For You, Crossfire, Field Test, Working Through Pain ...
If you’re seriously thinking about becoming one of ten owners of a working Batmobile from The Dark Knight, you can complete an inquiry form online to express interest in the limited allocation.
Custom car maker Action Vehicle Engineering is offering a fully functional replica of the Batmobile from Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy for $2.99 million. Only 10 units of the street-illegal ...
But I remember on Dark Knight Rises the feeling of being able to walk onto a set and you knew everybody in the world wanted to be on that set, right?” He went on to explain that despite his role ...
Powering the Batmobile is a 6.2-litre LS3 V8 engine, producing 525 BHP and 659 Nm. According to reports, Tumbler - the Batmobile from Christopher Nolan's 'The Dark Knight' trilogy, is up for sale.