Animation, takes place between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight and is comprised of “six interlocking films”: Have I Got a Story For You, Crossfire, Field Test, Working Through Pain ...
If you’re seriously thinking about becoming one of ten owners of a working Batmobile from The Dark Knight, you can complete an inquiry form online to express interest in the limited allocation.
Kith is launching a 'Batman' campaign with free screenings of all the films including 'The Dark Knight' and more.
A new Batman release in 2024 gives an incredibly complex character journey to Commissioner Gordon, one of DC’s most beloved ...
Custom car maker Action Vehicle Engineering is offering a fully functional replica of the Batmobile from Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy for $2.99 million. Only 10 units of the street-illegal ...
But I remember on Dark Knight Rises the feeling of being able to walk onto a set and you knew everybody in the world wanted to be on that set, right?” He went on to explain that despite his role ...
Kith has linked up with Warner Bros. to celebrate the 85th anniversary of Batman’s debut in 1939’s Detective Comics #27. The ...
Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Absolute Batman #2 Absolute Batman's latest attack is a prime example that shows ...
Powering the Batmobile is a 6.2-litre LS3 V8 engine, producing 525 BHP and 659 Nm. According to reports, Tumbler - the Batmobile from Christopher Nolan's 'The Dark Knight' trilogy, is up for sale.