Apex predators attract a special kind of fascination; also called "super predators," they sit at the top of the food chain, unquestionably the most dominant members of the animal kingdom.
Evan Clark, the waterkeeper at Three Rivers Waterkeeper, told Inside Climate News: "It's a similar situation to what Rachel Carson was warning about with DDT affecting animals up the food chain. The ...
Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” connected disappearing populations of bald eagles to the presence of the pesticide DDT in the birds’ food chain. Because bald eagles are apex predators, their dose of ...
While the exact origin of this quintessential food is unknown, the burrito made its American debut in Los Angeles back in the 1930s. It's continued to explode in popularity ever since. Savory, filling ...
25. When it comes to satisfying that burger craving, Cumberland County has no shortage of options when it comes to fast-food burger chains. They are: Burger King; Checkers; Cook Out; Culver's ...