“Gilmore Girls” stars Lauren Graham and Scott Patterson appear as their “Gilmore Girls” characters in a new Walmart commercial. The spot opens with Sean Gunn, reprising his role as ...
Well, for one thing, roller skates. That’s right, just when you thought Christmas could not get any merrier, the lovely people of Venezuela have gone and upped the ante with a weird and ...
Not to be confused with roller-skating, Rollerblading requires skates that are narrower and speedier and that have multiple wheels in a straight line, rather than a square formation. There are ...
Given the rising popularity, there are a ton of options on the market from popular brands with varied features ranging from smooth foam roller options to textured rollers, vibrating foam rollers ...
Jillian Kubala, MS, is a registered dietitian based in Westhampton, NY. Jillian uses a unique and personalized approach to help her clients achieve optimal wellness through nutrition and lifestyle ...
Here’s a step forward for the dreaded AI, a new Vodafone corporate-style film, running as an ad in the some markets. Courtesy of New Commercial Arts (now owned by Ogilvy) which describes its role as ...
A fire could wipe out your inventory and business records. That’s why commercial property insurance is so important. Commercial property insurance is a contract between your business and a small ...
Mr Goenka expressed his scepticism on X, stating that Jaguar's latest ad resembles an art film more than a car commercial. He also questioned the campaign's slogan, "Copy nothing," wondering what ...
Tesla CEO Elon Musk didn’t hold back after watching Jaguar’s hallucinogenic relaunch commercial. The ad, meant to mark a new chapter for the iconic British automaker, had many viewers ...