Michael Mosley sets out to decode the human body, inviting people to see human bodies in new ways and understand how they work and change as humans age.
今天(7日)6时20分,我们迎来冬季的第一个节气“立冬”(Start of Winter)。 立冬,标志着冬季的开始。随着气温骤降,北半球的寒冷气息愈加明显,万物开始进入休眠状态。大地变得宁静,白霜覆盖了草地和屋顶,仿佛为自然披上了一层银装。 It ...
前不久,快时尚巨头ZARA宣布,将与时装品牌A-COLD-WALL*创始人Samuel Ross展开合作,于2025年初正式推出首个联名系列。他目前所主理的SR_A设计工作室,整体概念围绕着纯粹、艺术表达以及工艺等关键词产出作品,作为工业风格的代表活跃在各领域。相信本次联名 ...
In 2012, Etienne Winckler, a detective specialising in cold cases, is handed the old Sambre rapist case to see if it can be closed. As he pores over files at the local police archives, he discovers mo ...