今天(7日)6时20分,我们迎来冬季的第一个节气“立冬”(Start of Winter)。 立冬,标志着冬季的开始。随着气温骤降,北半球的寒冷气息愈加明显,万物开始进入休眠状态。大地变得宁静,白霜覆盖了草地和屋顶,仿佛为自然披上了一层银装。 It ...
今年唯一西洋天后最大场!声势如日中天的全球乐坛天后Dua Lipa(杜娃黎波)20日晚间终于带着世界巡迴《Radical Optimism Tour》正式降临乐天桃园棒球场,睽违六年重返台北,听觉与视觉再突破过往极限,吸引超过2万名 ...
Michael Mosley sets out to decode the human body, inviting people to see human bodies in new ways and understand how they work and change as humans age.
Please explain this sentence, with “right on the money” in particular: Bill Clinton’s campaign was right on the money when it ...