昆州政府正式宣布,0.5澳元的公共交通票价将成为永久措施。这意味着,昆州人乘坐昆州东南部(South East ...
台湾淡江大学外交与国际关系学系助理教授廖雨诗分析,”从克制到升级,美国的‘暴风影’导弹政策意图何在。” 欢迎点击收听。
In an exclusive interview with Guangming Online, Dr. Balew Demissie, Communication and Publication Consultant at the Policy ...
BEIJING, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) — A speech delivered by Chinese President Xi Jinping at a national conference held on Sept. 27 to commend role models for ethnic unity and progress, has been published as ...
For Bill from the US, this is his favorite Chinese phrase. Whether it's with a friend or a stranger, he gets a real kick out of using it. A little kindness, a smile, a word of gratitude–his response ...
China's National Immigration Administration's 12367 immigration service hotline has expanded to include Russian, Japanese and ...
【本报周孙毅报道】12月1日,香港谭氏宗亲会访问团一行16人,在谭国成主席的率领下,拜访印尼谭氏宗亲会暨印尼广肇总会。      ...
【本报讯】11月28日,印尼华裔总会青年部中央理事会(Gema INTI)在雅加达INTI秘书处主持雅加达青年团分会2024-2026年度理事会就职典礼。        Gema INTI中央理事会主席Rendy Setiawan在Albert ...
BEIJING, Nov. 25 (Xinhua) — The Arabic language version of a book featuring discourses on Chinese modernization by President Xi Jinping has been published by the Central Compilation and Translation ...
Abstract:此文章介绍了如何在威联通TS-464C2上如何部署OPENAI的whisper模型进行语音识别。实现把“语音文件上传到指定目录下, ...
YANGON, Nov. 24 (Xinhua) -- The grand final performance and prize-awarding ceremony of the Chinese Song Competition were held in Yangon, Myanmar, on Sunday. The event was organized under the ...