China has stepped up efforts, combining immediate policy measures with structural reforms, to stimulate domestic demand.
As a guest speaker, Martin Jacques explored the historical evolution of the Chinese nation's pluralistic unity, and shared ...
过去一周,台湾发生了三件重要的政治事件。 赖清德总统于520就职后首次出访。可以理解的是,赖和他的团队会希望他的访问顺利,而且台湾媒体和大眾的注意力能够每天聚焦在他访问夏威夷、马绍尔群岛、吐瓦鲁、关岛和帛琉的相关报导。
台湾总统赖清德在前往南太平洋邦交国访问途中过境夏威夷期间,星期天(12月1日)与美国众议院前议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy ...
BEIJING, Dec. 2 (Xinhua) -- China urges the United States to stop aiding and abetting "Taiwan independence" separatist forces, foreign ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said here on Monday.
Here, to get his ear means to get a word in his ear. “Getting someone’s ear” is a metaphor, not to be taken literally. In ...
The “bat” in “right off the bat” refers to the baseball bat, the stick a player uses to hit the ball thrown at him from an ...