(ECNS)-- The China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE) is like "a melting pot” for exchange and collaboration, opening up ...
每3年举行一次的「有机世界大会」,今年首度移师台湾,由南华大学筹办,今(2日)第21届「有机世界大会」开幕式,来自全球61个国家约600位关心有机产业的专家、学者及产官学界人士齐聚、交流,农业部长陈骏季强调这是非常难得的国际盛会,台湾已订定2040年 ...
China's Juncao technology empowers African farmers, boosting incomes and creating jobs while supporting environmental protection.
"By participating in CISCE, Fonterra firmly supports China's efforts to establish an advanced supply chain -- particularly in ...
From November 22nd to 24th, the 5th China Aquatic Seedling Expo and the 2nd Guangdong (International) Modern Marine Ranching ...
President Xi Jinping has led the Chinese people to win the battle against poverty, a remarkable achievement that has drawn ...
Over the past seven decades, the country's supply and marketing cooperatives have played a positive role in serving rural and urban residents, boosting rural economy, helping eradicate absolute ...
The two reports, jointly issued by the Institutes of Science and Development, the National Science Library, both under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Clarivate, seek to understand global ...
2024年世界互联网大会乌镇峰会于近日在浙江乌镇举办。近年来,“互联网+”对传统行业的改造,催生了很多新业态,也让更多人享受到互联网发展的成果。中国乡村治理、农业生产发展如何拥抱“互联网+”的发展格局?新业态的出现如何帮助乡村地区服务经济的发展?清华大学技术创新研究中心主任,清华大学经济管理学院教授陈劲近日做客“东西问·中外对话”时指出,互联网治理能极大提升乡村治理的社会效能,吸引更多主体参与治理 ...
Looking ahead, Zheng reaffirmed his commitment, as the President of AmCham Shanghai, to promote U.S.-China commercial ...
本研究有助于青藏高原农田生态系统的可持续管理和高质利用,研究结果以“Occurrence characteristics and ecological impact of agricultural soil microplastics in the ...