Some communities in Tamil Nadu also make a kuzhambu (gravy) with a mix of country vegetables (see recipe) that is served as an accompaniment to Pongal. Dry roast the moong dal before pressure cooking ...
Find and save your favorite simple and easy recipes for you and your entire family.Find and save your favorite simple and easy recipes and meal ideas for you and your entire family. We have the ...
Poush Sankranti, also known as Poush Boron, is celebrated in Bengal with traditional sweets like Narkel Naru, Til Naru, and Gurer Sandesh. These treats are made from coconut, sesame seeds ...
Pongal, the harvest festival celebrated predominantly in Tamil Nadu and across South India, is a time of gratitude, joy, and delicious food ... without a variety of traditional delicacies that ...
“Those two pastas come from Borgatti’s on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx, and for people who know it, especially in the New York area, for many, it’s considered the best pasta source in the entire country ...
Grind ingredients for more kuzhambu (coconut mix) into a puree and set aside. Temper spices in hot oil, add coconut puree with water, boil, then mix in curd. Fry koozh vathal in hot oil until crispy, ...