整理 | 梦依丹出品 | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews)近日,ISO C++ 委员会主席 Herb Sutter 在其个人博客宣布,他已经离开了工作 22 年的微软,正式成为金融公司 Citadel Securities 的一名技术研究员。他在 ...
Debugging and productivity improvements also feature in the latest release of Microsoft’s signature IDE, built for .NET 9.
Moving from object-oriented to functional programming is a paradigm shift for developers, but these key principles explain ...
Problem statement released to address the challenges to making cross-language development with C++ and Rust more accessible ...
US government agencies speak out about memory-unsafe languages C/C++ are a “risk to national security,” the economy, public ...
作者|Mond编译|核子可乐、冬梅关于 C++ 的未来该向何处去,似乎有着很多争论甚至是激烈对抗。无论是 Reddit 上的小打小闹,还是官方 C++ 标准委员会中的严肃讨论,都免不了要陷入立场之争、派系之争。这已经成为无法回避的客观现实。C++ ...
So when the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the FBI announced they were doubling down on their efforts to persuade software manufacturers to abandon "memory-unsafe" ...
在微软 Visual C++ 编译器团队工作了 22 年后,ISO C++ 标准委员会主席 Herb Sutter 宣布离开微软,加入 Citadel Securities 担任技术研究员,负责技术战略和培训工作。 与此同时,他在 C++ ...
In a statement, the Rust Foundation summarizes the problems in the interoperability between Rust and C++ and provides initial ...
近日,C++编程语言界发生了一起引发广泛关注的事件,资深C++标准贡献者Andrew Tomazos被标准C++基金会除名,同时他在ISO WG21 C++标准委员会的成员资格也被撤销。这一决定背后的原因,竟源于一篇技术论文的标题风波。
快科技11月25日消息,据媒体报道, 近日,资深C++标准贡献者Andrew Tomazos被标准C++基金会开除,他在ISO WG21 C++标准委员会的成员资格也被取消,而原因则是一个“question” ...
If you have an opinion about C++, chances are you either love it for its extensiveness and versatility, or you hate it for its bloated complexity and would rather stick to alternative languages on ...