Bollywood diva, Kajol Devgn also extended her heartwarming birthday wish for Manish Malhotra today. Taking to her Instagram story, the actress posted a beautiful portrait in which she was seen ...
Nico's 8th birthday wish was to see his older sister come home. A young boy couldn't hold back his tears when his older sister surprised him with an unexpected visit on his 8th birthday this year.
A Valley community has rallied around a young cancer warrior to make his third birthday unforgettable. This brave little boy, who has been battling cancer, has always dreamed of being a firefighter.
We have also heard about the contestants in the house planning their special surprise for the birthday boy. We hear that all the contestants will be seen shaking their legs to Salman’s popular hit ...
First, let us take a moment and wish Sohail Khan a belated happy birthday. The actor turned 54 on December 20. To make the day memorable for Sohail Khan, his fans and industry colleagues have ...