Living with bipolar disorder is extremely difficult, especially when I watch the news or read online articles that leave me feeling irritable. Lately, I’ve been feeling disillusioned with the world — ...
Bipolar I disorder is a mental health condition that causes extreme ups and downs in mood and energy. You might hear it called “manic-depressive disorder” or “manic depression,” which are ...
Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition marked by large shifts in mood from mania to depression. Although bipolar disorder can be challenging to manage, many effective treatments and ...
Take it from people who know: Finding peer support for bipolar disorder can be a great way to have your thoughts and feelings validated (and can be an invaluable source of advice). Here are 4 ...
If your adult child and their bipolar disorder symptoms are taking center stage, then you may be living in a ‘hijacked house.’ It is a bit of a “joke” to talk about how many millennials have moved ...
Most patients with bipolar disorder spend more of their time in a depressed state than in mania. The depressive phase of illness accounts for the majority of time ill: 72% in BD-I and 81% in BD-II.