Berserk is a dark fantasy anime that follows Guts, a lone warrior with a massive sword, and Griffith, the charismatic leader of a mercenary band known as the Band of the Falcon. Guts is a skilled ...
Complex shonen villains are known to be intensely driven by their personal desires, yet there is some level of understanding ...
Reference: NPITN_DIG_GRIFFITH_INFLATION_1812 Copyright: ITNP News Product Type: Editorial ...
Paying tribute to the entertainers who died this year.
The shadow business secretary has called on Chancellor Rachel Reeves to "change course quickly", after new ONS figures show inflation increased to 2.6% in November. Andrew Griffith adds all the major ...
Manga artist Koji Mori has total recall when it comes to honoring his late friend’s vision for the grand finale of the dark anime fantasy “Berserk.” But his mind is a blank whenever he tries ...
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