BABY on board’ stickers seem to be all over the U.K.’s roads, and you’ve likely spent many a traffic jam staring at one ...
Most people think the sign is a cute warning to other drivers that the person behind the wheel might be slightly distracted ...
‘Baby on board’ stickers have reportedly led to nearly two million drivers having an accident, a survey has claimed. According to the poll of 2,000 drivers, by, 1 in 20 motorists say ...
They're definitely Marmite. Some people love 'Baby on Board' car signs, others find them teeth-gnashingly annoying. But they serve an important purpose - if used correctly. The trouble is that 99% of ...
Traffic is an issue here in the Garden State. Trust us, we're well aware. We sit in it so often that it makes sense why we take such pride in our bumper sticker arrangements on the back of our cars.
BABY on board stickers seem to be all over the roads - and you’ve likely spent many a traffic jam staring at one attached to the car in front of you. You may even have one of your own!