靶向治疗的崛起标志着肺癌治疗迈入了一个全新的精准医疗时代。近年来,随着精准医疗理念的深入实践,肺癌靶向药物的研究与应用范围已从常见的突变靶点逐步扩展至更为少见的突变靶点。在非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)领域,针对罕见靶点从检测到治疗取得了不少令人瞩目的进 ...
Researchers concluded that dabrafenib and trametinib appeared active in the second-line adjuvant setting, “although more follow up is required to confirm.” ...
引言现代临床医学领域的分子诊疗技术不断发展,这些技术的创新与广泛使用可帮助制定个体化治疗方案、实现精准医疗的目标,并为恶性肿瘤患者带来最大程度的获益。其中,肿瘤基因突变以及针对突变基因的靶向治疗是肿瘤精准治疗重要的组成部分。RAF(rapidly ...
Historically, the prognosis for metastatic melanoma was poor because of limited treatment options. However, after multiple ...
1. After almost 10 years of follow-up, adjuvant dabrafenib and trametinib improved relapse-free and metastasis-free survival compared to placebo in patients with resected stage III melanoma. 2.
Motorola's flagship GSM phone for 2004. Notable features include quad-band roaming, high-resolution TFT display, VGA camera, changeable metal casing, and Bluetooth. Also includes inverse outer ...
1 Department of Neurologic Surgery, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Centre, Columbus, OH, United States 2 Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, ...
在精准医疗浪潮席卷全球之际,基因检测正悄然改变着肺癌防治格局,人们愈发认识到基因突变状态在肺癌早期筛查、精准治疗乃至预后评估中的核心作用。11月17日是国际肺癌日,让我们一同探讨:为什么肺癌患者都需要基因检测?谁最应该接受检测?检测哪些 ...
在黑色素瘤的发病机制中,基因突变扮演着重要的角色。其中,BRAF V600 突变是较为常见的一种突变类型,大约有一半的黑色素瘤患者存在这种突变。