Authorities in West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, conducted a successful raid, confiscating 1,654.22 kg of cannabis valued at Rs 1.33 crore. The operation uncovered sophisticated equipment used for ...
ITANAGAR, 19 Jan: Some worrying trends in the physical and mental health of police personnel were revealed during a health camp organised for police personnel and their families by the Capital police ...
Itanagar: Arunachal Pradesh CM Pema Khandu on Sunday hailed the Adi and Apatani communities for signing a joint declaration by Adi Bane Kebang (ABK) a.
Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Sunday hailed Adi and Apatani, two major tribes of the state, for signing a joint declaration seeking to preserve the “age-old fabric of communal ...