Bollywood actor Malaika Arora shared her daily intake of ABC juice. The juice contains apple, beetroot, and carrot with ginger. Dr. Shriram Nene, husband of Madhuri Dixit, also advocates for ABCG ...
Here are the deals we spotted. Apple called out Meta Platforms for seeking access to software tools that it said could compromise user privacy, a criticism that comes as the European Union ...
Toasting adds some flavour and drys the sheets out so they’ll break apart easily. Crumble the nori sheets into small pieces and then place in a food processor along with the salt and the chill flakes.
Apple criticises Meta's interoperability requests over privacy concerns Meta says Apple's claimed privacy grounds have no basis in reality Meta seeks extensive access to Apple's technology stack ...
Catalina Crunch is adding to its chocolate bar lineup, debuting its Sea Salt Caramel Dark Chocolate Bar. The latest creation includes a blend of chocolate, caramel, and a hint of sea salt. The bar has ...
Many of us love salty snacks and savory foods. But how do you know if you are eating too much salt? Or, perhaps, too little? When it comes to salt, it is entirely possible to be getting the wrong ...
A Kansas-based company has issued a voluntary recall of certain salt products due to the potential presence of foreign material. Compass Minerals America Inc., a leading producer of essential ...