IT之家 12 月 18 日消息,长期以来,苹果公司因其 App Store 的支付政策在全球范围内面临争议,其中禁止第三方支付选项是争论的焦点之一。近日,热门游戏模拟器 Delta 或将成为美国 App Store 中首个支持链接外部支付选项的应用,标志着苹果在 App Store 支付政策上出现了一定的松动。
With over 2 million apps on the App Store, there is seldom a niche unexplored ... Apple’s touch operating system was known as “iPhone OS” for its first three versions, only changing to “iOS” with the ...
For each EU member country, the list of alternate browsers contains the 12 most popular browsers from its App Store storefront, and is displayed to the user in a random order. Check out John’s story ...