This fictional depiction of 1980s Wall Street, right after the real-world crisis that frightened and baffled many, led to the ...
The animated film Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the only movie where Batman and the Joker are voiced by the same ...
Their new film sees Craig play a drug-addicted American expat who pursues a younger man in '50s Mexico City. Here, the actor ...
Popeye the Sailor and the Belgian boy reporter Tintin lead the class of characters and works of art becoming public domain in ...
Born in December 1971 in Bossier City, LA, Jared Leto is an American actor and musician. Leto first gained major fame through ...
When Sam Mendes’s new quartet of Beatles biopics was announced, the internet predicted with almost eerie accuracy who would ...
Popeye, Tintin and "A Farewell to Arms" are among the intellectual properties becoming public domain in the United States on ...
Pop open a can of spinach and grab a furry friend because Popeye and Tintin are among the classic comic characters becoming ...